At the moment, our focus is Cycles of Aylorea. We have many other planned projects (such as Garrison One) that you may start to see, but we need to take things one step at a time. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with all the latest news from Harbinger and what's coming to your screens!
As a new company with many exciting things coming down the pipeline, we are always seeking talented individuals to join our team. Refer to our Careers page for more details. If you have specific questions about a role or anything else related to careers, please use our contact form.
Technically, no, not at the moment. However, the Cycles of Aylorea Discord community is constantly growing and will continue to do so throughout our lifespan. Feel free to hop in and join conversations with our community! Our team members are also active in these conversations and can assist with anything you may need.
We cannot provide a direct answer to this question at this time. What we can say is that Cycles of Aylorea will be coming to multiple platforms, with all the shiny Unreal 5 pixels your gamer grips can handle. As the project evolves, who knows what will pop up on the horizon! To be the first to receive updates, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter!
If you have an inquiry that cannot be answered directly on this site, please fill out our contact form. If the inquiry seems legit, someone from our team will reach out to discuss next steps.